Marathon 2 release: NOVEMBER 30 That's right, kids! MacZone, MacMall, MacWarehouse, and anyone else I forgot to mention are taking orders for $44.95 a pop. Marathon 2 WILL be on CD-ROM, which means upgrades for all you 2x CD-ROM drive users. MacZone, MacMall, and MacWarehouse all report a big waiting list for the game, but say that if Bungie delivers as many as they promise, you won't be waiting long, even if you order now. Marathon 2 Map Editing (Pfhorte II?) The Pfhorte II out on the 'net right now is pretty much a hack, quickly slapped together from it's predecessor's components. It only allows VIEWING of maps, and can sometimes be inaccurate. Pfhorte author Steve Israelson commented that Bungie has not released the Marathon 2 Map specs, and a true Editor cannot yet be written. Bungie is expected to release the specs within the next two months.